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James Dunlop's southern deep sky catalogue

Dunlop, J. (1828) A catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars in the southern hemisphere, observed at Paramatta in New South Wales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1828, p 113.

Dunlop's original catalogue listed 629 objects. Of this total, John Herschel was able to find only 142 during his Cape Town visit.

In 2001, Magda Streicher showed that Dunlop 410 is the same as Herschel's NGC 2547. The remaining 486 Dunlop objects have never been verified since he first recorded them over 150 years ago.

Those objects that have been verified are shown in the table. This presents a challenge to the careful deep sky observer: to discover what happened to the missing Dunlop objects.

1 NGC 7590 211 NGC 1955 333 NGC 5715 438 NGC 1493 549 NGC 1808
2 NGC 7599 213 NGC 1974 334 NGC 6005 440 NGC 5139 552 NGC 5986
18 NGC 104 215 NGC 2004 337 NGC 1261 442 NGC 6204 556 NGC 6281
23 NGC 330 218 NGC 2121 342 NGC 5662 445 NGC 3201 557 NGC 6441
25 NGC 346 220 NGC 2035 343 NGC 5999 454 NGC 6216 562 NGC 1436
62 NGC 362 225 NGC 6362 348 NGC 1515 456 NGC 6259 563 NGC 2546
68 NGC 6101 235 NGC 1810 349 NGC 3960 457 NGC 6388 564 NGC 2818
81 NGC 1795 236 NGC 1818 355 NGC 3330 466 NGC 1512 568 NGC 6400
90 NGC 1943 240 NGC 2029 356 NGC 5749 469 NGC 5643 573 NGC 6723
98 NGC 2019 241 NGC 2027 357 NGC 5925 473 NGC 6541 574 NGC 1380
102 NGC 2058 246 NGC 1831 359 NGC 6031 479 NGC 625 578 NGC 2298
106 NGC 2122 262 NGC 6744 360 NGC 6067 480 NGC 1487 591 NGC 1350
114 NGC 1743 265 NGC 2808 364 NGC 6208 481 NGC 3680 594 NGC 2090
129 NGC 1910 272 NGC 4609 366 NGC 6397 482 NGC 5128 600 NGC 1532
131 NGC 1928 273 NGC 5281 376 NGC 6584 483 NGC 6192 607 NGC 6652
136 NGC 1966 282 NGC 5316 386 NGC 3228 487 NGC 1291 609 NGC 2658
142 NGC 2070 289 NGC 3766 388 NGC 5286 499 NGC 6231 612 NGC 6416
143 NGC 2069 291 NGC 4103 389 NGC 5927 507 NGC 55 613 NGC 6637
160 NGC 2136 292 NGC 4349 397 NGC 2972 508 NGC 1851 614 NGC 6681
164 NGC 4833 295 NGC 6752 400 NGC 6167 511 NGC 4709 617 NGC 3621
167 NGC 1755 297 NGC 3114 406 NGC 7049 514 NGC 6124 619 NGC 6569
169 NGC 1770 301 NGC 4755 410 NGC 2547 518 NGC 7410 620 NGC 6809
175 NGC 1936 302 NGC 5617 411 NGC 4945 520 NGC 6242 623 NGC 5253
193 NGC 2159 304 NGC 6025 412 NGC 6134 521 NGC 6268 624 NGC 6715
194 NGC 2164 309 NGC 3372 413 NGC 6193 522 NGC 6318 626 NGC 2489
196 NGC 2156 311 NGC 4852 417 NGC 6352 535 NGC 2477 627 NGC 6266
201 NGC 2214 313 NGC 5606 425 NGC 6861 536 NGC 6139 628 NGC 5236
206 NGC 1313 323 NGC 3532 426 NGC 1433 547 NGC 1317   
210 NGC 1869 326 NGC 6087 431 NGC 5460 548 NGC 1316   

Find out more about James Dunlop in the "Southern Deep Sky Catalogues" article.

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